Phone number

0033 - (0)7 86 30 99 46


Opening hours

Mo - sa: 11.00-22.00 o'clock

Sound bath 

Let yourself be carried away by the deep sounds of the singing bowls and other small instruments such as the tingsha and koshi. 

Our body consists of approximately 70% water.  The vibrations of the singing bowls can penetrate your body right down to the cellular level.  All sorts of things can take place here; from deep relaxation to emotions being released. 

We start with breathing exercises so that you sink deeper into your body beforehand.  Once lying on the massage table, a mat or sitting on a cushion, you close your eyes and hear all the sounds around you. 

The sound bath brings you from your head to your heart and you feel again who you really are. 

Effects that can occur afterwards (up to one day) are: deep relaxation, emotions that can be released, more energy and an increasing self healing capacity. 

After a sound bath I always take the time to exchange experiences and send you home with a feeling of peace. 

During the whole sound session you keep your clothes on.

Sound therapy

Beforehand, we have a short conversation with a cup of tea.  Here it becomes clearer to me who you are as a person and in what areas I can pay more attention to your body.  The sounds have a calming effect on the nervous system and help to create physical relaxation in the body.  The life energy (‘Çhi’, ‘Ki’ or ‘Prana’) can flow through the body again and removes blockages.  Through this, the self-healing capacity of your body is stimulated by the sounds and vibrations.  Complaints such as muscle complaints, emotional blockades, depression, burn-out can therefore be reduced or even disappear completely. 

During the session, the bowls are placed on the body so that the vibrations can penetrate deeply.  During the session you can keep your clothes on.

The reactions after a sound therapy session are diverse: from a relaxing journey to specific physical complaints that soften or disappear, an issue that becomes clear, mental relaxation, and sometimes also after-effects in which old emotions are released the next day.  I am still regularly surprised myself how deep the effect of singing bowls can be.